Resources | Finance and Lending | March 6, 2020

There are 4 Types of CFOs—Which One are You?

As companies and the economy evolve, so does the role of the CFO.

As companies and the economy evolve, so does the role of the CFO.

Today’s chief financial officers are much more than just numbers-crunchers. They can be futurists, digital finance experts, growth strategists, as well as valued coaches and mentors. Organizations like the World Economic Forum even suggest that CFOs may be critical to protecting our environment.

Below are four distinct kinds of modern financial chiefs—the Growth Wizard, the Numbers Person, the Strategist and the Institutional Expert. 

Do you fit one of these types, or more than just one? Does someone else in your organization? Read on and see if any of these “profiles” seem familiar. 

The CFO growth wizard is new to the organization, brought in to accelerate growth and increase the value to the shareholders.


The CFO numbers person is disciplined, organized and can present financial information with integrity.


The strategist CFO has a strong grasp of the organization. They define the KPI goals and motivate the team to succeed.


The institutional expert CFO has been at the company many years and has climbed the rank with strong technical skills.


Sources: Forbes, Growthforce.com, IndustryWeek, Vantagecost.com

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